The starting point for any responsible professional services on an ongoing project will require a detailed due diligence to establish the current status, and to anticipate further costs and scenarios which a Client may encounter at later stages, to improve the chances of success.
Risk Assessment
It is essential to asses risks in order to prevent, mitigate, transfer or knowledgeably accept them. This is why we assess not only contractual risk, but the political, legal and financial risk individually, and as a whole.
Review and Drafting of Correspondence and Advising Required Actions
Included within our Contract Management monthly services, we review the entire Project correspondence, to anticipate potential strategies and from the onset, to place our Clients in a strong position of defense of their contractual rights and entitlement, at any given moment throughout the services.
Identification of Potential Claims
Our experience is that our Clients are, and should be mostly focused on the construction process itself, therefore our assistance on a continual basis will identify their right to claim as it may occur and their entitlement, and provide them with up-to-date information and tailored strategies in order to enable quick decision making based on reliable data.
Construction Planning & Programme Management
Preparation of the base-line Programme of Works (PoW)
From the very beginning of a project, and even at tender stage, we assist our Clients in the preparation of the initial PoW in a proper manner, ensuring that all detailed activities are logic-flow in an industry best practice schedule with an identifiable critical path.
Allocation of Resources
Together with our Client’s dedicated teams, we allocate the most appropriate type and number of resources to detailed PoW activities.
Budget Estimation / Cash Flow
Once the PoW is fully resourced, it becomes a tool for our Clients to accurately estimate budget and cashflow.
All of the above are updated on a periodical basis, as the development of the project may require, and in due time for our Client to benefit from a panoramic status in real time, providing an essential Project Management tool and the prerequisite for a successful project.
Toate elementele descrise anterior sunt actualizate în mod periodic conform realităților și necesităților proiectului, așa încât clienții noștri să aibă în orice moment în timp o imagine de ansamblu și să beneficieze în consecință de toate instrumentele necesare pentru a asigura succesul proiectului.
Variations and Value Engineering
During the construction process on any project, there will inevitably be modifications and changes to the Design and the Requirements for various reasons. We assist our Clients in the preparation of Variations, their valuation and effect on programme, and throughout the process of incorporating them within the scope of works and ultimately the contract.
Value Engineering
In all activities that we perform, we ceaselessly strive to optimize design and construction activities, with the aim to offer our Client a fresh perspective based on our experience and best practice, thus improving the product whilst reducing cost.
Dispute Resolution Services
Infra Consulting Hub’s experts, are dedicated to helping you avoid, manage and resolve any construction or engineering disputes which may arise and will offer continuous technical support during dispute resolution/adjudication (DAB, DAAB, DB, DRB, local or international Arbitration, Court of Law proceedings) to our Clients and their lawyers. Our job ends only when our clients have received their deserved and awarded amounts in their bank accounts following final and binding decisions, and not a moment before.
We are privileged to partner and collaborate with the industry’s finest Independent Experts and Construction Lawyers.
Claims Management
Claim Prevention
The claim prevention process commences during the Pre-tender and Contract Formulation phase of a project. Contract documents, project planning and scope of works should comprehensively include all requirements related to the project, because after the terms have been established and the contract is awarded and signed, the opportunity to prevent claiming circumstances will be considerably reduced. No matter how balanced a contract may be, the risk of a biased approach in favor of one or the other party will always be there, throughout the contract period and perhaps even long after. Therefore, if not able to avoid claims, we shall ensure the preservation of our Clients’ right to claim and that their position is strengthened.
Claim Mitigation
A well-defined scope, responsibilities, and balanced sharing of risks between the Employer and Contractor will help decrease the possibility of claims. However, as it is well known, there are very few instances in real life where all of the above instances happen simultaneously, and each party accepts their responsibilities in an ethical and contractual manner. This is why we always advise our Clients to have a proactive approach towards claims mitigation and try to be flexible enough in order to avoid the circumstances that may lead to formulating claims rather than avoiding them. A proper and timely communication, a good contract interpretation, as well as the right arguments properly communicated in due time, may help Contractors and Employers avoid unnecessary, long and costly claim resolution processes.
Claim Identification and Quantification
Once a potential claim has been identified, we shall analyze in depth the merits and our client’s entitlement according to the contract and the applicable law, and shall quantify the claim in terms of time extension to the completion of the works or to other pertinent milestone dates as well as the additional payment due. In this phase, the most appropriate schedule and critical path analysis shall be established and deployed in order to ascertain potential delays (Delay Analysis) and calculate the relevant time-related costs and the non-time-related costs (Quantum) which may be recoverable as a consequence of delay, as appropriate.
Claim Resolution
Claim resolution is a step-by-step process to resolve claim issues. Depending on the resolution terms within the contract, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and litigation processes will be conducted.
Infra Consulting Hub partners with highly experienced construction lawyers and law practices, advising and assisting our clients to make the most appropriate choices and decisions in this field.